Look towards the light


So much Zooming this week. I love seeing the faces of students and colleagues but like many others I am distracted my image on screen - my chins, my weird expressions, the circles under my eyes. For the first few days i fiddled with the light and the height of the screen, and the soften function on Zoom. I added funny backdrops, trying to make friends with how I look on the screen.

And then I thought - no no no.

Instead I keep my eyes on the tiny green light at the top of the screen. I know that if I look at that light, it will look to the person I’m talking to like I’m deeply gazing into their eyes. I focus on the green light, and listen, and nod, sometimes bringing my gaze below to where the person sits, to be sure I’m “reading” the conversation the right way. Looking towards the light I am disconnected from my own presence on the screen and instead grateful for this wonky, imperfect, but enormously important way of connecting.

Quit fiddling with the setup and just look towards the light. You look wonderful, I promise.


It's not finished. It's just changing.